Monday, June 30, 2008

OCD While Pregnant!!

Ok, this is for the ladies. I am having a little shall we say OCD moment this pregnancy and it is unlike anything I have experienced with the other three. I can not stop thinking about cleaning, rearranging, organizing and rearranging again. It's not just one area, it is the whole house. I am putting up shelves in the closet for food storage, moving three rooms around (I am literally moving furniture and if I am told not to it makes me really mad) and giving away all kinds of stuff. It is starting to scare me because I am just not clean or organized or interested in finishing any of the 50,000 projects I have ever started. Saturday I went out in the garage, got an old night stand I was going to sand down and finish in Hayden's bedroom colors, and fixed it up to put in the now new guest room. It matches but this is weird. It has been sitting in the garage for at least a year. Where are these ideas coming from. Does anyone suffer from OCD on a regular basis or have had it while pregnant? Please help. I am scarrrrrrrrrry. Really scarrrrrry.
Love Shannon
No pictures of my OCD spree. That would be the scarrrrrrrrrrriest of all.


Melissa and Trevor said...

Shannon, welcome to my world! I am like that when I am not pregnant and when I am it is even worse. Call me if you are doing it late at night because I will be too!

Owen said...

I'd love to see a picture of this! If it were a picture of me on one of my OCD sprees it'd be in my garments, hair pulled back, up on a ladder painting or rearranging the new baby clothes by color or something! I've noticed I actually get alot done when I'm pregnant! Guess I'll have to get obsessed with projects some other way now! If you run out of projects call me...I'll put ya to work. :)

Shannon and Jimmy said...

That picture is me to the tea. I just always hope that you aren't looking out your back window because the site is grusome.

Owen said...

Hey remember our deal? Don't look into our little upstairs windows, and we won't look in yours...don't call CPS on us and we won't on you!! You are like the best neighbor ever!

jill said...

That's hilarious!!! ANYTHING can happen when your pregnant!!! The OCD I had was things like check to make sure I locked the door a million times. It's ALL crazy! I could use some that motivation...

Me said...

I Need A Little of That!! I have taken on MORE Projects!! While I'm trying to get everything set up too!! DUH!I find I work on everything at once so yeah My house is NUTSO right now!! PS-I miss you too! I hope I can come for Bunco! YES COME VISIT!! ANYTIME!Jess

jana said...

shooot! Come on over, I have a few projects I need a kick in the pants to finish up myself!

Candice said...

Gosh! I can't say that I have ever had any such ailment but DANG, I need to get me some of that! I am usually dusting the baby clothes off the day or two before they arrive and as far as home projects go...we all know there ain't none of that in my blood. When I am putting on my pair of garments with the big hole in the butt; that's when I know it's time to get some things done around here. Good luck!

Pocketful of Posh Boutique said...

Oh Shannon, you have just described my life. Just wait till your friends ask if your going to get personalized plates that says OCD. If you have any projects you need help with just call me.
P.S. I found the little hat that goes with the Laura Ashley outfit.

Anonymous said...

Does having to hold a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies in one hand and a cold glass of milk in the other while watching Pride and Prejudice count for OCD or multi-tasking or ANYTHING? Cause if it does - then Im just like you and its crazy how much of nothing I get done.

Julie said...

Hey Shannon, cool site! Sorry I haven't responded sooner but I've been out of town and I didn't get a chance to before I left. It was great seeing you too while you were here. I was reading the June Ensign the other day and came across an article entitled "Cultivating Sensitivity to Others" and it made me think of you. The experience of the first girl in the article could be you. Check it out if you get a chance. Hope this finds you well and take care!

Julie said...

Are you still in the cleaning mode?

Shannon and Jimmy said...

Ok, I think I touched a cord in many of you. Vonda, I, along with my painting and moving and shelving and cleaning and organizing have also watched all six hours of p and p just last week. I took a break that day. Sick huh. Well nice to know that I have friends in my sickness. Monda, bring it over girl.

Melissa and Trevor said...

Shannon or Vonda, next time you watch all 6 hours of P & P call me. I often put my beloved A& E version in and pretend to do laundry and iron, but really just sit on the couch. Never watched it though with cookies and milk and might do that soon!

PS- Shannon I need to talk to you about pre-school and the bus. Remind me to talk to you about it.

Donna said...

Shannon...Shannon......You are not alone.....I was so OCD with all my pregnancies. Especially Brooke (4th and last) I would get so annoyed with Todd when he would try to be nice and tell me to sit down and relax. I just couldn't! It didn't matter how clean the house was it could always be cleaner. I bet Todd's wishing I was OCD now!!! hehehehehe! No worries pretty soon you won't have enough time to be OCD so get it out of your system now! :):)

PS Can I add you to my blog friends list?

Shannon and Jimmy said...

Go right ahead. I would love to put you on mine to see all your wonderful adventures.

Donna said...

feel free to add me to yours too! :):)